Wills, probate and trusts

Life is full of twists and turns and none of us can be sure what the future holds. That is why creating a Will makes good sense. As more and more people realise the importance of making a Will, it is no longer seen as something just for the elderly or ill but simply part of sound financial planning for any family or individual.

If you have reached the stage in your life when you can start to think about passing on benefits to others or are concerned about the tax liabilities your beneficiaries will face you will need clear and practical advice on making gifts or setting up trusts.

Sadly the time will come when we will lose someone close to us and this will bring with it the need to deal with their property and assets to distribute them to the beneficiaries of their estate.  This can be a stressful and challenging process at a time of emotional stress.

At Mewies Solicitors, our expert lawyers have in-depth knowledge in all areas of Wills, probates and trusts.  Our friendly lawyers will put you at ease, explaining everything clearly with no legal jargon.  We make writing a Will or implementing its terms following a death as straightforward as possible.

So whether you would like to create a Will, need to go through probate or just want to plan for the future, call us today on 01756 799000 to speak with one of our specialist lawyers.

Christopher Jackson
Christopher JacksonDirector & Solicitor
Jessica Little
Jessica LittleTrainee Solicitor