Pension fund investment

When it comes to preserving your wealth and assets for the future, there are many options available, including sound pension investment which with careful planning and professional advice, can provide a healthy and tax efficient return.

Buying commercial property through a pension scheme can make great financial sense. It can release equity from a company’s business premises and boost the value of a pension fund.  Our lawyers are experts on the law relating to commercial property and the legal structures needed to own this through a pension fund.

Our team has extensive experience in advising individuals, companies and pension providers on the intricacies of pension fund investment and particularly for individuals wishing to take control of their own retirement planning, such as investing in a self-invested pension plan (SIPP). Using a SIPP puts you in total control of your investments enabling you to prepare for your retirement in a tax-efficient way.  Its flexibility means that you can choose how you invest as well as how you take your benefits when you do retire.  Ongoing management of the investment means that advice is often required throughout.

Our pension fund investment team work with clients and their pension advisers to design the best, most tax beneficial, arrangements for them.

Call now for expert advice on 01756 799000.

Christopher Jackson
Christopher JacksonDirector & Solicitor
Josephine Cuttill
Josephine CuttillAssociate Solicitor